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GPS Staff Activity Reporting

View the Map and Notifications

A powerful interactive map-based report highlights where pet sitters are located geographically when they check-in and check-out of their services.  Useful notifications alert administrators to problems with service delivery such as:


  • “Late Check-in” A warning that a check-in event hasn’t happened or that one has happened but is late.  

  • “Short Service” A warning that a client has not receive the correct prescribed length of service. 

  • “Locations Too Far Apart” A warning when check-in and check-out events do not take place at the anticipated locations, indicating the pet sitter was not where they were meant to be. 


Late Check-in Notification

If you run a big team, you want to know if anyone is running behind on their daily schedule so that you can step in and help if required. The late check in notification alerts schedulers when a pet sitter is falling behind on their daily schedule.  

Short Service Notification

If your client has requested a 30 minute service then, as a business owner, you will want to know that your staff delivered 30 minutes of service. Short service notifications provide a warning that a service was delivered in less time than was specified on the booking. This warning helps you to ensure that your business is delivering value for money at all times.  

Locations too far apart

In the main, a pet sitter should always be located at the client's address when they check-in to start a service and again when they check-out at the end of service, if you operate a one-to-one dog walking or pet visit service. So the location checked-in should be the same as the location checked-out (or at least very close by).


Anything else could indicate something is amiss. The “Locations too far apart” notification will alert schedulers to situations where the check-in and the check-out locations were not within a given distance of one another. 

Not registered at client address

If you operate a one-to-one home visit or walk service then, generally speaking, a pet sitter should always be located at the client's address when they check-in to start a service and again when they check-out at the end of service. So the check-in location should be the same as the check-out location (or at least very nearby).


There could be a situation where your sitter has not left their house and is simply checking in and checking out from their own home. If so, you would probably want to know. So if both the check-in and the check-out locations are not registered near to the client address, a notification is provided. 

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